Java Conditional Statements - The Coding Shala

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Java's Conditional Statements

Java Supports two conditional or selection statements: if and switch. These statements are used to control the flow to the program based on the condition that we have put. 
Java Conditional Statements - The Coding Shala

Java If else Statement

The basic statement of Java's If the statement is as follows: 



if(condition1 operators condition 2){ //code


else if(condition2){ //code 
else{ //code 

The condition is an expression returns a boolean value. The else part is optional. 

Note: we can also use nested if statements. (if inside if statement)

The following Java program explains the if statement: 
class IfExample{
    public static void main(String[] args){
        int a = 10;
        int b = 20;
            System.out.println("a is less than b");
            System.out.println("a is greater than b");
        boolean aa = true;
            System.out.println("Value of aa is true");
        if(aa){ //nested if statement
                System.out.println("Value of a is less than 6 and a is: " + a);
            } else if(a<11){
                System.out.println("Value of a is less than 11 and a is:  " + a);

<<<Output of this program is >>>>>>>>

a is less than b
Value of aa is true
Value of a is less than 11 and a is:  10

Java switch Statement

The basic syntax of Java's switch statement is as follows: 

switch(expression) {
  case value1:
  case value2:
  case valueN:

Here, expression and value specified in the case statement must be type compatible and can be a byte, short, int, or char. The default statement is executed when none of the case value matched with the value of the expression. The default statement is optional. The break statement is used to terminate a statement sequence that means used to jump out of the switch.

Note: we can also use nested switch statements.

The following Java Program explains the switch statement: 

class SwitchExample{
    public static void main(String [] args){
        int num = 4;
        switch(num) {
            case 0:
                System.out.println("Value of num is 0");
            case 1:
                System.out.println("Value of num is 1");
            case 4:
                System.out.println("Value of num is 4");
                System.out.println("Default statement");

<<<<Output of this program is >>>>
Value of num is 4

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