Linked List Introduction and it's Implementation - The Coding Shala
Home >> Data Structures >> Linked List Introduction and its Implementation In this post, we will learn what is linked list data structure and will implement a singly linked list in Java. Linked List Data Structure A linked list is a linear data structure. The linked list is a chain of Nodes that are connected using pointers. One Node contains the data/element and a pointer called next that points to the next node. Unlike arrays, linked list elements are not stored in a contiguous location. There are different types of the linked lists like a singly linked list, doubly linked list, and circular linked list. Here we will cover a singly linked list. The following are main terms used in a linked list: head: front node of a linked list next: pointer to the next node node: contains data/value and the next pointer We can create a linked list of different data types like integer, string, etc. Advantages and Disadvantages of linked lists The following are some advan...