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Programming Interview Questions
If you are someone who is preparing for a Software Developer interview then this page might helpful for you. The typical software developer interview process contains 5-6 rounds of interviews, including online coding tests, DSA rounds, and Design rounds.
Things you need to do before appearing for interviews:
- Prepare your Resume and Projects
- Prepare one Programming Language very well. [ Java / C++ / Python ]
- Prepare Data Structures and Algorithms
- Prepare CS Topics like OS, Network, DBMS.
- Prepare System Design [ LLD, HLD]
- Leadership Questions / HR round.
This page contains the data structures and algorithms programming questions that are very important and commonly asked in interviews. I have added these questions category-wise for better readability.
- Move Zeroes
- Minimum Size Subarray Sum
- Two Sum 2(Array Sorted)
- Two Sum
- 3Sum Problem
- Find the first and the last position of an element in a sorted array
- First Missing Positive
- Repeat and missing number array
- Noble Integer
- Max Sum Contiguous Subarray
- Add One To Number
- Plus One
- Max Non-Negative SubArray
- Flip
- Pascal Triangle
- Kth Row of Pascals's Triangle
- Triplets With Sum between the given range
- Find Pivot Index
- The Largest number at least Twice of Others
- Rotate Array
- Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
- Median of Two Sorted Arrays(log(n))
- The Intersection of Two Arrays
- How to Count Set Bits
- Find the First Duplicate in an Array
- Find Second Largest Element in Array
- How Many Numbers Are Smaller than the Current Number in an array
- Sort an Array According to Count of Set Bits
- Count Number of Inversions in an array
- Majority Element
- Add Binary
- Longest Common Prefix
- Valid Parentheses
- Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
- Implement strStr() or indexOf()
- Reverse a String in Java
- Reverse Words in a String
- Reverse Words in a String(Word)
- First Unique Character in a String
- Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
- Find Number of Substrings with the count of each character as K
- First Not Repeating Character in a String
Linked Lists
Searching Algorithms
- Detect Cycle in a Linked List
- Find First Node of Cycle in a Linked List
- The Intersection of Two Linked List
- Remove Nth Node from the end of Linked List
- Reverse a Linked List
- Remove linked list Elements
- Odd-Even Linked List
- Check if the given linked list is Palindrome or not
- Add two numbers represented as Linked Lists
- Merge two sorted linked lists
- Merge k Sorted Lists
- Rotate a linked List
- Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List
- Copy a Linked List with Random Pointer
- Sort a linked list using insertion sort
- Remove Duplicates from Sorted Linked List
- How to Find the middle element in a linked list
- Height of a Binary Tree
- Find Minimum Depth of a Binary Tree
- Invert a binary tree
- Count Unique Binary Search Trees
- Generate Unique Binary Search Trees Using Recursion
- Validate Binary Search Tree
- Connect Nodes at the same level in Binary Tree
- Maximum Depth of N-ary tree
Hash Set
Hash Map
Bit Manipulation
- Find Number of Islands
- Check if the given number is perfect square or not
- Implement sqrt function using binary search
- Search in Rotated Sorted Array
Sorting Algorithms
Sliding Window
Greedy Algorithms
Dynamic Programming
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